Phases of Instruction
Weekly Training

Vision Merging
Do you want to know a real secret?
Something that works and hardly anyone knows about?
It's called "Vision Merging" and it is part of some really cool techniques I learned years ago from a woman who was almost 90 years old!
You see, if you really want to take your training to a high level, you need many different concepts with which to train with.

Exercise: Accessing Power Through The Void
The key to accelerating is to keep your mind, body and spirit engaged throughout the day and this is how to do it.

Exercise: Advanced Rituals- Morning-Noon & Night
The key to accelerating is to keep your mind, body and spirit engaged throughout the day and this is how to do it.

Muscle Memory Training
Here are some real secrets to Muscle Memory training and how this will affect your ability to grow to newer heights.

Technical Skills Development
One of the biggest challenges in life it to increase your ability to learn new skills that will allow you to transcend to newer levels of value.