Phases of Instruction
Deep Work Meditation Process
Relax Your Body & Meditate

Step 1: Place your body in a relaxed state through meditation. This can be done sitting, lying down or even standing. The key is you must relax your body mind and spirit.
Go Into The Void/Your Void

Step 2: The void is a place you go to derive many things. In this instance we are looking for our power, your power. You must identify what that is and what that means to you.
Identify and Use the Power
Step 3: Once you identify that power, fill it up with your wonderful imagination and energy. An energy that is you and is all the good things that you are. See the power as a way for you to break free from any limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
The Energy Power Defeats Negative
Step 2: Simply allow the energy power to separate you from anything that is holding you back physically, mentally, or even spiritually. See and feel your body being infused with this powerful energy.
This exercise is controlled by you so can last anywhere from 5 minutes to one hour depending on your needs.